Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mocking WCF service

We are using continuous integration (with help of CruiseControl.NET) in My current project. Some of the components connects to WCF-services. The continuous integration includes automated unit tests with NUnit.
We needed to mock the services as we don't want to install and run any services on the build server.
I have used Rhino Mocks in previous projects so I decided to give it a try. As always, I started to google for any experience out there, and found this blog which describes exactly what I wanted to do!
Use the WCF self hosting to host a dummy class that expose the service interface. The methods does not need to be implemented as they are mocked with Rhino Mocks.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Consuming WCF Service From Classic ASP

Consuming WCF services from classic ASP is described on several places, for instance

I ran into the "The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded"-exception, i.e. the message I try to send is larger than 8192 bytes.

Ok, just to add a binding configuration to allow larger messages. But I consume the WCF service from VB Script with a moniker, so where to define the binding configuration?

It took a while before I realised that, as classic ASP does not have a web.config, the binding configuration has to be in the machine.config.

Not so dynamic but an acceptable solution.